Volume 4, Issue 4 July 2004 The goal of this newsletter is to keep members and friends up to date on events and plans of the organization. If there is any particular topic you would like to see addressed in the newsletter, please send email to news@aarf.ai IN THIS ISSUE
"Flea" Market/Garage Sale A Great Success On Saturday June 19th, 2004 The Anguilla Animal Rescue Foundation held its first "Flea" Market/Garage Sale at the Agriculture Grounds. It was a beautiful day with many people stopping by to shop for the various items that were donated to the cause. The event was complimented by the music of DJ Iceman and a scrumptious BBQ cooked and served by Althea Lloyd of Anguilla Techni Sales. At the end of the day AARF raised a total of US$1154.60 to support the goals of the organization! AARF would like to thank the many people who donated items to the sale to help support the cause. We would also like to thank Dr. Vanterpool and Wilma Vanterpool of the Agriculture Department for providing the grounds at a discounted rate, The ABC for allowing us to use their tents at no charge, and St. Gerard's Catholic Church for the use of their tables. Many thanks to our volunteers on the ground: Tent Set Up Crew/Transporters: Lynn and Charles Blankenship, Steve and Suzie Donahue, Chris Carty (thanks to Lennie Carty for use of his truck!) Althea and Bob Turner and Leroy Martinez. Breeze Turner and Ross Pleasants Volunteers: Amy Williams, Chris Carty, Suzie Donahue, Valerie MacCalman, Monica Trimble, Althea and Bob Turner, Lynn and Charles Blankenship, Jackie Pascher, Breeze Turner, Ross Pleasants, Jaxson Arnold, Clarissa Lloyd, and Rakev Webster. Jackie Pascher and Rakev Webster take a break! It was a great day of fun and excitement that also included a very successful adoption. Fairy was a very young pup that went to a new home that day. Fairy showed up at our spay/neuter clinic looking great with a lovely collar and leash. Her new family reports she is an indoor dog and doing just great. Unfortunately she was still too young for surgery but will be done before the end of the year. Collars and Leashes Donated by HSI In June of this year AARF received a donation of new collars and leashes from the Humane Society International (HSI). The donation of 284 pieces including all sizes and designs were given in support of our spay/neuter programs and to be used for our adoptable pets. AARF would like to thank Kelly Omeara and the staff at HSI for facilitating the transport and donation. July 2004 Spay/Neuter Clinic Completed Althea Turner and Dr. Winnie Krogman arrive from Blowing Point Village with animals scheduled for the clinic Morlen's Veterinary Hospital was the site of the July 3-5th, 2004 spay/neuter clinic. The program funded by The Pegasus Foundation, Puppy Angels and AARF provided surgeries to 131 animals including both cats and dogs. Team Puppy Angels provided supplies for the clinic including suture material, anesthetic agents, etc as well as personnel to help out. Sherry and John Morrall of Puppy Angels arranged the program which included veterinarians Dr. Dean Wallace and Dr. Winnie Krogman and technicians Linda Seavy, Kim Lynch and Emily Hahn. During the two month period prior to the clinic registration forms were made available to the community through local businesses and through sign up locations around the island. The Turners focused on Blowing Point Village to assist the community with a reduction in stray and breeding animals in the area. In the end 79 animals were signed up and 47 spayed/neutered from that village. At the end of the sign up period 240 animals were registered from 121 households. Applications continued to come in after the clinic had started. Over 24 volunteers from AARF led by Project Coordinator Suzie Donahue, manned the clinic assisting with animal intake/discharge, pre and post op monitoring and cleanup. A large number of our volunteers were student members some of whom have declared an interest in studying veterinary medicine in the future. In fact one young man begged his mother to be dropped off at the clinic to help out because he heard about it on the radio. He spent the day learning first hand the hard work involved but left determined to become a vet. Moira Masshardt holding an animal waiting for surgery In addition to the surgery, care givers were provided with information on health care issues that effect the animals of Anguilla, licensing information and a 3 month supply of heartworm/flea and tick preventative medicine donated by Paws and Dr. Mark Finkler of Roanoke Animal Hospital in Virginia. For the caregivers that requested it, a free 3dx test was provided for heartworm and ehrlichia. Animals that tested positive for heartworm were encouraged to attend Morlen's Veterinary Hospital for treatment and given the potential cost as well as the risks of not obtaining care. There is no question that conducting a clinic of this magnitude is exhausting but at the end of it there is a real sense that AARF has done something good for the community. So many caregivers thanked volunteers for the program and stated that we should do them more often. Jackie Pascher shares a moment with a friend The Executive Committee of AARF would like to thank the many individuals and businesses who assisted with the clinic and especially to the caregivers who took the important step to stop the reproductive process for their companion animals.
Clinic participants at discharge - happy to go home!
Mrs. Suzie Donahue for her time and effort in coordinating this event. Dr. Vanterpool for the use of his facilities and Amy Williams for her technical support. Thank you to Dr. Wallace, Dr. Krogman, Linda Seavy, Kim Lynch, Sherry and John Morrall and Emily Hahn for their hard work during the clinic. Also many thanks to Dr. Wallace and Linda Seavy for their donation of the supplies. Althea and Bob Turner
worked very hard in the Blowing Point district to signing up and transport animals to and from the
Island Car Rental for donating a rental
car for 8 days for our visiting veterinarians to use, James Fleming, Jr and his glass bottom boat for
a tour of the Shoal Bay reef for our guests and their families, and Irad for donating his time for a
Caribbean BBQ to entertain our guests.
Chris Cutler for the donation of refreshments. Maria
and Jim Mulligan for a wonder lunch on Monday.
The members of the media who supported the program: Caribbean Cable, The Anguillian, The Herald, The Light, Heartbeat Radio, Radio Anguilla and Anguilla Life Magazine. The Post Office, Ashley's Pet Store, Ashley's in Blowing Point and Albert's Marketplace who allowed us to camp out on their doorstep to sign up animals, as well as every business in the community that allowed us to post our signs and forms. Finally we extend sincere thanks to The Pegasus Foundation and Puppy Angels for having the faith in us to support our programs financially as well as by being on site and working. Without their support these programs would not be possible.
Maddy and Sally are sisters that came in for adoption this week. They are approximately 8-9 weeks of age and in great health. If you are interested in adopting these little girls or the any of the puppies or adults below, please contact Amy Monday through Friday from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm or call 497-4600. Please note this is carnival week so Tuesday and Wednesday are regular days of operation. Remember to spay/neuter your pets to decrease the number of homeless animals in Anguilla. Lucy and her 5 little puppies are seeking a foster home for 2 weeks or so. They are still nursing and much too young to adopt. If you are interested in helping out with this little family, please contact Amy at 497-4600.
If you have photos and stories of your rescued pets, please share them with us and our newsletter community. Contact info@aarf.ai Animal Abuse/Domestic Violence Materials on Line Anne Ostberg of the Pegasus Foundation is sharing some very interesting materials on animal abuse and domestic violence. For everyone involved locally in the domestic violence issues these materials may be of interest. The Caribbean Animal Welfare Web Site is updated constantly with helpful information relating to these and other topics. Please visit them at the Caribbean Animal Welfare page. ______ Greetings all: Those of you who attended the Caribbean Animal Welfare Conference in St. Croix this past May had the opportunity to hear Dr. Randall Lockwood of the Humane Society of the United States speak about the connection between animal cruelty and interpersonal violence. Many of the materials that Dr. Lockwood handed out to conference attendees are now available on the Humane Society of the United States Web site. For example, there is an article on the connection between animal cruelty and human violence. In addition, there are many materials that can be downloaded for free. Some of the available materials follow; all can be downloaded for free from the Human Society. Go to their site and search for any of these items: