Volume 5, Issue 2 April 2005 The goal of our newsletter is to keep members and friends up to date on events and plans of the foundation. If there is any particular topic you would like to see addressed in the newsletter, please send us an email using our Contact Us page.
AARF Spring Fundraising Activities Treasure
Hunt: On March 6, 2005 AARF sponsored
it's first annual Treasure Hunt under the seasoned guidance of our new fund
raising chairman Jill Walker.
Jill has done the
treasure hunt for her visiting friends many times and decided to make it an
annual AARF event! The Treasure Hunt convened at Roy•s•
Bayside Grill to draw for partners and
receive rules and initial clues. There were 4 different clue trails
which meant that not every car was headed off in the same direction.
Teams spent about 2.5 hours driving the roads between the Valley and West
End looking for signs, buildings and landmarks. Parking arrangements at a clue site had to be ingenious and
creative so as not to let the other teams notice you and give away the location. All returned around 6:30 pm and the
winner was declared. Thanks to the generosity of Lin MacEachern of Anguilla Rums, each
participant took home a great baseball cap or bottle of Pyrat Rum!
We then enjoyed a lovely meal at Roy•s• new Sandy Ground Bayside Grill.
2nd Annual Yard Sale: On Saturday April 23rd AARF had scheduled it's 2nd annual Yard sale at the Agriculture Department in the Valley. After several weeks of collecting, sorting, pricing and setting up the grounds we were finally ready for the event ........... but, as those of you who live here know, we instead woke to a wonderfully welcome day of soft soaking rain!! We all gladly agreed that we would cancel our yard sale any day for this much needed rain!! We have re-scheduled the event for next Saturday April 30th and hope that all of you that have volunteered to help can join us on our "rain date"! We would like to thank all of you that cleaned out closets, cupboards and storage areas to donate to this event! We have a lot to sell and super bargains so don't miss it!! We have clothes, furniture, toys, books, exercise equipment, bikes, kitchen items, towels, sheets and all kinds of other items. Thanks to all of our volunteers who have worked diligently sorting these items as they arrived especially Althea Turner, Gayle Enzel, Suzie Donahue and Chris Carty. And to Jill Walker for organizing our volunteers. Extra kudos to Heather Wallace who has allowed us to use her storage area at Essential Office Products. See you on Saturday April 30th!! Althea Turner in the midst of sorting items for the yard sale!
Feeling lucky?? AARF is planning a Bingo Night at Roy's Bayside Grill on
Wednesday May 25th - so mark your calendars and look for more details to come!!
Change Drive:
Help us with our new on-going fundraiser! AARF member Judie Gaycee worked
feverishly to decorate and place AARF “spare change” bottles around the
island before she left at the end of March. Instead of " hauling"
around all those coins and that extra cash how about dropping it at one of our
locations??? We would really appreciate your
donations! The new donation bottles as well as our older boxes are located at the following establishments.
Vinissimo, La Sirena, Straw Hat, Caribbean Cable Communications, Bartlett•s•
Collections, Wallblake Airport, Taino Wellness Centre, Christine
Fleming's Mini-Mart, Ashley's Pet Shop, Foods '95, Anguilla Trading, Anguilla
Drug Store, Lake's Grocery, MacDonna's & Sophie Dehove Hair Design. Anguilla
Business Donations: We acknowledge
and thank with much gratitude the following businesses for their contributions to AARF
in 2005. We urge you to support them!
Mango•s• As many of you may know, there have been a recent rash of dog and cat poisonings on Anguilla. Our heartfelt sympathies go out to all of you - some are members of AARF - who have lost your beloved pets because of the meanness and cowardice of certain individuals who see the use of poison as a way to eliminate a dog or cat that is being - in their minds - a nuisance or threat. We caution you to be ever vigilant of your pets location - being certain that he/she does not have the opportunity to ingest poison by walking your dog on a leash and being familiar with the area where your dog or cat is at all times. Have you seen our new fund raising item that promotes our spay/neuter project in Anguilla ? This magnetic car sticker is available with a US$12.00 donation to AARF. If you would like to purchase one check out our display at Bartlett's Collections at the Sandy Ground Roundabout. AARF also has T-Shirts, Beach Cover-ups and Bags . We thank AARF member Lynn Barlett for her continued support as the exclusive provider of AARF merchandise on Anguilla!
Annual Membership Drive Underway The AARF annual membership drive continues in full swing. We are in the process of many new and exciting changes to the organization and hope that you will want to join this very important and viable group! Memberships are vital to the life of the organization and all fees go directly to support AARF programs including animal care, free spay/neuter clinics and education. Becoming a member is not expensive with fees as follows: (All fees in EC$): Student (Under age 18) $10.00, Regular $25.00, Senior (65 and over) $10.00, Family $ 40.00, Corporate $300.00. Lifetime memberships
are available for a one time fee of EC$500.00. AARF•s• membership drive will continue through May 31, 2005. We are always looking for new members to support AARF events, assist at Morlens Veterinary Clinic or to help us with our ongoing spay and neuter project. If you would like more information on AARF please visit our website at www.aarf.ai or call Amy at 497- 4600 or Suzie at 497-8177. If you are
interested in becoming a member you can obtain membership forms via our Membership
page(in Word or PDF formats). Or you can
get one at Morlens
Not sure when your membership expires? Call the AARF cell phone at 476-2731 (it has voicemail) or send an email to AARF Information. Completed membership forms may be sent to: AARF
In response to requests and suggestions from many AARF members, the Policies and Procedures Committee have had numerous meetings to revise and update the bylaws of the Anguilla Animal Rescue Foundation. Please take a look at the updated bylaws that are attached below and note that the nominating committee has been deleted. Nominations for members of the executive committee including the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and two members at large will now come from the general membership. Nominations will be accepted up to 30 days before the Annual General Meeting. The By-Laws also include the basic job descriptions of each executive committee member. AARF By-Laws Revised April 2005 See below under Annual General Meeting for more information about this process.
The Executive Committee is pleased to announce the Annual General Meeting of the Anguilla Animal Rescue Foundation will be held on Wednesday June 29th at the Teacher Resource Center at 5:30 PM. The purpose of the meeting is to present the annual report, as well as elect a new executive committee for the year 2005 - 2006. The newly revised bylaws concerning the election of the executive committee now state that nominations will come directly from the General Membership instead of the previously utilized nominating committee. Members are requested to submit their nominations at least 30 days prior to the AGM (by May 30th) to the current Secretary. All nominated persons will be contacted to confirm they are willing to accept the responsibilities and tasks involved with the office. The list of proposed candidates will be submitted to the general membership for election at the AGM by secret ballot. Please help us to elect an exciting new Executive Committee this year! Nominations for: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Two (2) members at large can be made by contacting the current AARF Secretary Suzie Donahue at 497-8177 or via email at AARF Information by May 30, 2005. The current offices are held by the following: President - vacant (Chris Carty acting President), Vice President- Chris Carty, Secretary -Suzie Donahue, Treasurer - Jimmy Carter, Members at Large - Althea Turner & Jackie Pascher We encourage all members to participate in this new process. In addition, we are now offering the "right to vote" to all of our members who are not living on Anguilla during the time of the election. By the end of May the proposed nominations for the executive will be sent out to the membership and votes may be sent in via email to AARF Information If you are interested in being a part of the executive committee or nominating someone please contact Suzie by phone or email. Welcome to a new segment of our newsletter that we hope you will enjoy - stories that our members & readers share with us about their animal friends. Bankie and Banx These two lovely lasses were rescued at West End and socialized by frequent visitors Liz, Todd and Hans Tiefenthaler of Wisconsin who recently published Anguilla A Short Sleeved Way of Life, a beautiful new coffee table book about Anguilla. The Tiefenthaler family cared for the kittens for a few weeks, named them Bankie and Banx and hoped that they would not be separated when they found a new home. The day after they were brought to the clinic they were adopted together by Fiona Wilkerson - we know they will have a happy home with Fiona who is a real animal lover and super caregiver! Meet Meads & Shelli. Last year Shelli adopted two of Meads siblings from Sandy Ground. She came back in March to take little brother home. Thank you Shelli - we know Meads is happy to be in PA with his litter mates!! This is Whiskey from Sandy Ground with his angel from Norway! Kari Moody has been coming to Anguilla for many years. She befriended Whiskey a few years back and decided this year to do something special for him and AARF! Kari collected money from everyone that knows and loves Whiskey so he could be neutered. She provided transportation to and from Morlens as well as after care. He has recovered and is still busily protecting his part of the beach near Ships Galley! Take a moment and say "hello" to Whiskey the next time you are at Sandy Ground!
Maggie Update If you recall - Maggie was the dog that lived on Rendezvous Beach and was rescued and taken back to Wisconsin by her new parents and frequent visitors Steve and Angela Stanczyk in January. After a real adventure to her new home including a short "escape" on the runway at the airport in St. Martin and a limo ride from Chicago we are happy to report that Maggie made the transition very well from summer to winter. She was seen recently in a video chasing her brother Webster in the middle of a huge pile of snow ...... she did have her jacket on! Maggie in her pink jacket!
Have you met AARF's new mascot?? Well - he really belongs to Amy Williams the Veterinary Technician at Morlens - an active member of AARF and a Trustee of the foundation. Stop in at Morlens and meet "Shrimp" - he sits quietly all day on top of the filing cabinet - greeting everyone that comes in and out!! The most frequently asked question ...... Is that a real dog!! Shrimp If you have photos and stories of your family pets - adopted/rescued or whatever - please share them with us and our newsletter community. Contact AARF Information "Dogs
are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole." |